Social and Educational Activities

Social and Educational Activities


1. Yeditepe University hosted social and educational activities organized by manicipalities

  • European Union Project of Greater City Municipality of Istanbul titled with ‘Democracy for All’ : The Choir and Theatre of Children with Disabilities 
  • Symposium of Disability and Disability Rights organized by Ataşehir Municipality

2. In-service Trainings on Disability Awareness

Training of the administrative and supportive staff of the Yeditepe University under the title of ‘Fight Against Discrimination’ to impove the understanding on individual differences and  awareness on the people with disabilities; to provide appropriate relations and comminication between the staff and the students with disabilities. 

Administrative staff:

  • Security Guards. Total 94 security guards were trained in three groups, for 3hrs courses
  • Drivers

3. Aquatherapy for Disabled

Every academic year a complementary course on aquatherapy was given in the pool to physiotherapy and rehabilitation students, to improve their skills in water to deal with people with disabilities through Halwick Technique.

1. Aquatherapy Course: Sept. 04 – 31, 2010

2. Aquatherapy Course : Sept. 25 – March 25, 2012

3. Aquatherapy Course: Feb. 11-12, 2014